Welcome to AP+ Developers! If you were a user of the BPAY or eftpos developer portals, please reset your password using your registered email address.

Get started with eftpos

Check out the Connectivity Guide which covers connecting to the eftpos API Gateway.

  • Application Layer Security - OAuth 2 and client credentials

  • Transport Layer Security - MTLS to (if required)

  • Message Layer Security - Specific encryption required in some APIs

Want to start coding?


Create an account to get access to the eftpos API documentation

Review documentation

Review the API specifications and use cases for the API products you wish to implement

Create an app

Create an app (API credentials) and select the APIs that you want to use

Code your app

Get coding and test your app in the sandbox

Ready for production?

If you're an eftpos Member, follow the steps below.

Request to Onboard

Let us know that you're ready for verification testing and we will provide you with the access and material required to complete your testing

Verification Testing

Complete your verification testing with eftpos

Go Live

Once your app testing has been verified you can promote your code into production

Start developing today

Kick off your journey with AP+ solutions.
Get access to our APIs, technical documentation, and tools to boost your business.