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eftpos QR Merchants API

eftpos QR transforms how you engage with your customers and helps you to grow and to deliver greater value to your business. Integrate once and unlock a world of possibilities beyond just payments.

How this can help your business

Deeper customer engagement

Giving you access to increased data, eftpos QR lets you get to know customers better, and connect with them across more touchpoints.

A consistent customer experience

Your customers enjoy the same seamless experience whether it’s in-store, online or in-app – all by using their eftpos enabled digital wallet. On-board new online customers with minimal friction.

Offer real value to your customers

Give your customers convenient access with the intention of functionality allowing for digital receipts, digital warranties, simple loyalty point redemptions, and gift cards purchase - even Buy Now Pay Later - all in one place.

Simplified compliance and security

With sensitive card data tokenised, security is taken care of by eftpos’ trusted infrastructure. That means aiming to simplify your PCI requirements, as well as saving you time and money.

Using this API

  • Do you want to offer your customers a streamlined shopping experience that’s fast, simple and secure?

  • Interested in providing, in the near future,  your customers the option of split payments, and the chance to use gift cards or loyalty points?

  • Looking for a cost-effective way to manage your customer loyalty program?

  • Keen to embrace an easier way to manage your compliance obligations?

If you are a market leader within your industry and with a national presence, we are keen to talk to you about eftpos QR. Contact us for more information.

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