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eftpos Card Not Present Payment API

Open up a new world of digital payments. Looking for an easy eCommerce solution? With eftpos’ Card Not Present API, it’s easy for merchants to get up and running. This API allows you to accept debit payments from international schemes – ideal for those wanting to offer the option of online payments.

OAS/swagger spec for v3 of the API is now available.

How this can help your business

Simple processing of purchases and refunds

Secure eCommerce, In app and recurring payments

Easy account verification

Simple to integrate into your systems

Enhanced security

Resilience infrastructure provided by eftpos


If you’re a member of the eftpos scheme, you can access the Card Not Present Payment API automatically, no sponsorship required. The API is also available to payment gateways and digital wallets with sponsorship from an Acquirer.

Using this API

For payment gateways and digital wallets

  • Connect directly to the eftpos network (and have access to multiple Acquirers) without needing to be a member

  • Avoid needing to connect directly to multiple Acquirers

  • Avoid the costs of COIN network connectivity

  • No need for complex (and costly) AS2805 integration

For eftpos scheme members

  • Outsource the running and maintenance costs of processing digital payments (not to mention compliance and resilience responsibility) to eftpos

  • Attract new payment gateways for your merchants, and offer them enhanced eftpos capabilities

  • A simple first step towards simplifying your acquiring switch

  • Allows you to focus your investment on building and supporting merchant relationships

Pricing and connection info

eftpos’ Card Not Present API involves connection and monthly fees, and there is a minimum monthly commitment.

To see if this API is right for your business, please get in touch.

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